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Abstract #3812

Systematic investigation of gamma knife in the treatment of brain tumors: an MR perfusion imaging study

ling huang1, hui bai1, HAI ZHONG1, and WEI QIANG DOU2
1the second hospital of shandong university, JINAN, China, 2GE Healthcare, MR Research, BEIJING, China


The main purpose was to evaluate the gamma knife radiosurgery(GKRS) treatment effect of multiple kinds of brain tumors by MR perfusion imaging. We collected 45 patients with three kinds of brain tumors treated with GKRS. Perfusion imaging, including 3D-ASL and DSC-PWI, was performed before and after treatment. ASL-rCBF, DSC-rCBF and DSC-rCBV decreased significantly after GKRS treatment, and ASL-rCBF before GKRS treatment showed the most robust performance with high AUC in predicting GKRS treatment effect. With these findings, MR perfusion imaging can be considered a time and effective method understanding the treatment effect of GKRS for brain tumor patients.

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