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Abstract #4985

Sample size considerations for structural covariance using T1-weighted brain imaging from the UK Biobank

William Kim1, Guocheng Jiang1,2, Nicholas Luciw1,2, and Bradley MacIntosh1,2
1Hurvitz Brain Sciences Program, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada


Anatomical T1-weighted imaging allows us to examine relationships of regional morphology across the brain through structural covariance. Here, we investigated structural covariance stability using decreasing amounts of T1-weighted imaging data from the UK Biobank. Starting from 1,753 individuals, we found that it is possible to drastically reduce the sample and still maintain adequate stability (78% agreement with ~87 individuals). We note, however, that stability was regionally variable; lateral and cortical regions were least affected by sample size while medial and subcortical regions were most affected. These findings may inform sample size considerations for MRI-based structural covariance in large population studies.

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