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Abstract #5032

Distortion Measurements Using a Large-volume, Lightweight, Modular MRI Phantom With Solid Signal Sources

Mariko Gardiner1, Keith Wachowicz2,3, and Nicola De Zanche2,3
1University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Oncology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 3Medical Physics, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, AB, Canada


Phantoms that cover large volumes are required to characterize geometrical distortion for image-guided interventions such as MR-guided radiation therapy (linac-MR). Liquid-filled phantoms of appropriate size can, however, be impractically heavy. Our phantom uses silicone rubber spheres arranged on a three-dimensional grid, resulting in a lightweight, portable structure. Displacements of each bead relative to the known grid positions are calculated in Matlab or 3D Slicer from 3D bSSFP scans. Design files and image processing code are available online.

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