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Abstract #0611

Combining functional MRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging in the pre-operative assessment of the hand and foot fibers within the corticospinal tract

van der Lugt A, Vrooman H, Wielopolski P, Smits M, Vernooij M, Houston G, Krestin G, Vincent A
Erasmus MC

Functional MRI (fMRI) has an important role in identifying the location of the primary motor area pre-operatively. Less attention has been given to the course of the corticospinal tract (CST) which can be depicted with Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). We found that combining fMRI and DTI in the pre-operative assessment of brain tumor patients can provide essential information not only on the location of functional cortical areas, but also on the course of important white matter tracts, and their relationship to the tumor, specifically of the hand and foot fibers within the CST.
