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Abstract #1179

A Multi-Paramter Analysis for the Optimization of Delayed Enhancement Imaging Using Known Myocardial T1 Values

Sharma P, Oshinski J
Emory University

This study deals with a computational analysis of the delayed enhancement technique. We present a mathematical model that allows the investigation of not just the inversion time, but a wide variety of paramters such as flip angle, TR, lines/segment, segment interval time, etc. To this end, the viability sequence can be analyzed completely. We show that with the use of known T1 values of infarct and normal myocardium, one can optimize the sequence over many variables. We found that the optimal flip angle is independent of time post-contrast, and that the optimal inversion time is larger than the null-point TI, in terms of producing higher signal contrast between infarct and normal myocardium.

