Reishofer1, Karl Koschutnig2, Christian Enzinger3,
Stefan Ropele3, Franz Ebner2
1Radiology, Medical University Graz,
Graz, Austria; 2Neuroradiology, Medical University Graz; 3Neurology,
Medical University Graz
values obtained by DSC-MRI are often overestimated compared to PET and SPECT,
which is due to the high sensitivity of DSC-MRI to large vessel. Two methods
for minimizing macro vessel signal are compared in this work. First, the ICA
method which is based on the separation of independent flow patterns using
independent component analysis and second, the ELV method which is based on
clustering of parameters derived from the dynamic contrast-enhanced
first-pass curve. Our results indicate that the ICA method has some
advantages over the ELV method and should be preferred for minimizing macro
vessel signal in DSC-MRI data.