Lu-Ping Li1, Joann Carbray1,
Pottumarthi V. Prasad1
1Radiology, Northshore University
Healthsystem, Evanston, IL, United States
observations have shown lower intra-renal oxygenation as early as two days
after induction of type I diabetes. In order to test the hypothesis that this
may be related to the direct effect of hyperglycemia, the infusion of glucose
solution was used in healthy rats. However comparable levels of blood glucose
levels and R2* values in diabetic rats were observed only in animals
pretreated with an insulin inhibitor (octeotride). Because octeotride is associated with
vasoconstriction, it is necessary to know the magnitude of any direct effect
of octeotride on renal oxygenation.
That was the motivation for the present study.