Giles Roditi1, Tara Collidge2,
Peter Thomson2, Jamie Traynor2, Patrick Mark3,
Scott Morris2, Keith Simpson2
1Radiology, Glasgow Royal Infirmary,
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom; 2Nephrology, Glasgow Royal
Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom; 3Nephrology, Western
Infirmary Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
systemic fibrosis (NSF) mortality was compared to a matched renal replacement
therapy (RRT) population. Records
searched with NSF and GBCA exposure identified and onset of RRT with survival
to death or census. 1826 patients with
RRT, 1812 with outcome data. Total 17 cases of NSF. Survival for GBCA exposed and NSF cohort
measured by RRT onset or post scan survival not significantly different
between these groups. Frequency of NSF
cases over years studied follows the number of CE-MRA scans performed
suggesting GBCA exposure causally implicated in development of NSF