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Abstract #5049

Ramp Sampling Strageties for High Resolution Single-Pass Dixon Imaging at 3T

Ken-Pin Hwang1, Basak E. Dogan2, Zachary W. Slavens3, Anthony T. Vu3, Wei Tse Yang2, Jingfei Ma2

1MR Applied Science Laboratory, General Electric Healthcare, Houston, TX, United States; 2Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States; 3GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States

Errors in Dixon fat-water separation may occur when acquired echo times deviate far from those expected by the separation algorithm. Single pass, dual-echo sequences are particularly vulnerable when pursuing high resolution at higher field strengths, where the increased frequency shift of lipid demands shorter in- and out-of-phase echo times. This study examines the effect of improper echo times on a Dixon algorithm and corrects them with the use of ramp sampling methods. Suppression is improved and artifacts are reduced by aligning the echo times closer to those expected by the algorithm, with no observable degradation of image quality.
