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Abstract #1406

Experimental Errors as Alternative to the Theoretical Cramr-Rao Minimum Variance Bounds in MRS: ER-ARSOS - Error Estimation by Multiple Quantification of Recombined ARSOS-Filtered Output Signals

Johannes Slotboom1, Dirk van Ormondt2, Olivier Scheidegger1, Caspar Brekenfeld1, Roland Wiest1, Gerhard Schroth1, Danielle Graveron-Demilly3

1DRNN-DIN/SCAN, University Hospital Berne, Berne, Switzerland; 2Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands; 3Laboratoire Creatis-LRMN, Universit Claude Bernard LYON 1, Lyon, France

The Cramer-Rao minimum variance bounds (CR-MVB) are widely used as estimates of errors in spectral-parameters in localized MRS. Due to the macromolecular baseline, non-analytical line-shapes, and artefacts resulting from non-stationary signal acquisition conditions or RF-pulse imperfections, the parametric model is normally incomplete, and, strictly taken, the CR-MVBs estimates invalid. In general the CR-MVB under-estimates the variances in the estimated spectral-parameters. This work presents a novel method named ER-ARSOS to estimate the experimental errors of the parameters, as an alternative to the CR-MVBs in MRS.