Julien Gondin1, Christophe Vilmen1,
Patrick J. Cozzone1, Guillaume Duhamel1, David Bendahan1
1Centre de Rsonance
Magntique Biologique et Mdicale (CRMBM) - UMR CNRS 6612, Facult de
Mdecine - Universit de la Mditerrane, Marseille, France
We have constructed a strictly non-invasive experimental setup adapted to an ultra-high field MR system and report in the present work the results of MRI investigation and force production measurements in exercising hindlimb mouse muscles at ultra-high field. This newly strictly non-invasive device allowed highly reproducible measurements of both force production and muscle activation (T2 changes) in exercising hindlimb mouse muscles within an ultra-high field magnet. Our setup appears as a suitable tool for future ultra-high field functional MR investigations of exercising hindlimb mouse muscles.