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Abstract #4464

Electrical Conductivity Imaging of Brain Tumours.

Astrid L. H. M. W. van Lier1, Johannes M. Hoogduin2, Daniel L. Polders2, Vincent O. Boer2, Jeroen Hendrikse2, Pierre A. Robe3, Peter A. Woerdeman3, Jan J. W. Lagendijk1, Peter R. Luijten2, Cornelis A. T. van Den Berg1

1Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2Radiology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 3Neurosurgery, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Electrical conductivity mapping is a new technique to generate MRI contrast. Over the last years, the theory and practical implementation of the method has been shown, and measurements of phantoms and healthy volunteers were presented. Here we present for the first time conductivity mapping in brain tumour patients. Distinct differences between the conductivity of some tumours compared to surrounding tissue were observed. The potential of this conductivity mapping for tumour detection, characterization and staging will be further investigated.
