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Abstract #0692

Distinct Components of the Cingulum Bundle Revealed by Diffusion MRI

Derek K . Jones1, Kat F. Christiansen1, Rosanna J. Chapman1, John P. Aggleton2

1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff , Wales , United Kingdom; 2CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

The cingulum bundle is a complex tract comprised of many different connections with trajectories of different lengths. However, this complex composition is rarely reflected in published diffusion tractography images, which most often show a continuous band of white matter that seemingly links (uninterrupted) the caudal medial temporal lobe with retrosplenial, cingulate, prefrontal, and subgenual areas. This work examined the unity of the cingulum bundle using tractography by comparing results from ROIs at different points along the tract and reveals a set of overlapping, but largely separate, connections within what is often visualised as a unified bundle.
