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Abstract #1477

Clinical Evaluation of 3D Diffusion-Weighted Breast Imaging with Dual Echo Steady State (DESS)

Kristin Granlund1, 2, Jafi Lipson1, Jennifer Kao1, Debra Ikeda1, Brian Hargreaves1, Bruce Daniel1

1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States; 2Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States

The DESS sequence has been proposed to acquire 3D high-resolution, low-distortion diffusion-weighted images in reasonable scan times. In this abstract, we have three radiologists evaluate images acquired with DCE, DWI, and DESS sequences. Radiologists evaluated the visibility of lesions, the image sharpness, the lesion margin, rim signal, and internal setpa. We found that DESS highlighted more lesions than DWI, had better image quality, which made morphology easier to assess.