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Abstract #2391

Motion Correction for 3D T1 Mapping Using GRICS: Phantom Validation

Anne Menini1, 2, Hlne Clique1, 2, Marine Beaumont3, 4, Jacques Felblinger1, 2, Freddy Odille, 12

1IADI, Nancy-Universit, Nancy, France; 2U947, INSERM, Nancy, France; 3CIT801, INSERM, Nancy, France; 4CHU de Nancy, Nancy, France

T1 mapping is useful to analyze myocardial fibrosis or liver perfusion. Motion artifacts and misregistration that can occur during the examination affect the quantification. GRICS is an adaptive reconstruction method that takes into account signals from physiological sensors to correct for motion artifacts. The variant of GRICS presented in this work has been adapted to T1 and 3D. On a gadolinium phantom, T1 maps were obtained using the variable flip angle method, with and without motion. Corrected T1 map was also reconstructed with our method. It significantly improves the quantification compared with T1 obtained without correction.
