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Abstract #3790

Regional Analysis of 3-Directional Myocardial Velocities Acquired in a Breath-Hold with Efficient Retrogated Spiral Phase Velocity Mapping

Robin Simpson1, Jennifer Keegan1, Peter Gatehouse1, David Firmin1

1Imperial College, London, England, United Kingdom

Myocardial phase velocity mapping is capable of determining regional myocardial motion. We have developed a sequence which uses spiral k-space coverage and retrospective cardiac gating to allow the determination of 3-directional velocities over the entire cardiac cycle in a slice within a breath-hold. The acquired spatial and temporal resolution is sufficient to identify all the main features of motion and because of the retrospective gating the end diastolic atrial kick is clearly seen. The presented results demonstrate the regional variations in motion both within a slice and between different slices. Inter subject variability is also demonstrated.
