Zhengyang Zhou1, Haiping Yu1, Bin Zhu1, Ying Hong2, Jiang Fang2
1Radiology, Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital,School of Medicine,Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; 2Gynaecology, Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital,School of Medicine,Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
To evaluate whether combined DWI and MR lymphography (MRLG) reliably detect and evaluate sentinel lymph nodes (SLNS) metastasis in cervical cancer, 38 patients were preoperatively underwent interstitial MRLG with Omniscan after completed the conventional MRI and DWI examinations at a b-value of 1000 s/mm2. Blue dye SLN biopsy was performed on all patients. We found that compared with only MRLG without DWI versus histopathology, the combined MRLG and DWI approach revealed a higher diagnostic accuracy. Obviously, the combination of DWI and MRLG was useful in detecting the SLNs and in improving the diagnostic accuracy of SLN metastases in cervical cancer.