Alexia Daoust1,
2, Emmanuel Luc Barbier1, 2, Sylvain Bohic1,
3, Sverine Maunoir-Regimbal4, Florence Fauvelle4
U836, grenoble, France; 2Universit Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
institut des neurosciences, grenoble, France; 3European
Synchrotron Radiation Facility, grenoble, France; 4IRBA-CRSSA,
grenoble, France
MEMRI can be used for different applications such as tracing neuronal connections or functional imaging. However, the impact of Mn on brain tissues is still unclear. To evaluate the metabolic perturbations associated to an intracerebral injection of Mn, we obtained HRMAS NMR spectra from the rat hippocampus. Two effects were observed: a broadening of specific metabolites due to Mn paramagnetic effect and an important impact of Mn on the cerebral metabolism at the injection site. Both effects were not identical along hippocampus and across hemisphere, suggesting a concentration dependent effect.