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Abstract #4006

Antidepressant Like Effects of Magic K Drug at Subanaesthetic Doses in CMS Rat Model of Depression as Detected by In Vivo 1H-MRS at 7T.

B.S. Hemanth Kumar1, Neha Sharma1, Renu Yadav1, Poonam Rana1, Rajendra P. Tripathi1, Subash Khushu1

1NMR Research Centre, INMAS-DRDO, Newdelhi, India

Chronic Mild Stress (CMS) regime was applied to develop depression model in rats and the model was validated using behavioural studies. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) was acquired on (8 each) Control, CMS, Ctrl+Sal, Ctrl+Ket, CMS+Sal and CMS+Ket rats in hippocampus region to look for the neurometabolite changes during the early onset of depression and to effect of ketamine in depression. The concentrations of the neurometabolites were calculated for analysis. Primarily, the study revealed the metabolite fluctuations, altering the glial physiology in hippocampus of CMS rats later they started to revert back after the ketamine infusion. We conclude that there could be a neuroinflamation process occurring in the glia and the neurons but they started recovering after ketamine injection suggesting a repair process taking place because of ketamine drug.
