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Abstract #0762

Graded hypercapnia-calibrated BOLD: Beyond the iso-metabolic hypercapnia assumption

Ian D Driver1, Richard G Wise1, and Kevin Murphy1

1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom

We propose a method for correcting for bias introduced by an iso-metabolic assumption in hypercapnia calibrated BOLD studies. A graded hypercapnia design and an assumption of linear CMRO2 dependence on hypercapnia level are used to separate the calibration parameter M from CMRO2 changes during hypercapnia. This method avoids intra-subject and experimental variability introduced by making a prior assumption of iso-metabolism or a CMRO2 decrease with hypercapnia based on literature values. We implement this method using two distinct levels of hypercapnia, measuring lower M values than when making the iso-metabolic assumption, with a significant dose-wise reduction in CMRO2 with hypercapnia level.

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