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Abstract #2120

An improved tracking technique for real-time MR-guided beam therapies in moving organs

Cornel Zachiu1, Nicolas Papadakis2, Mario Ries1, Chrit Moonen1, and Baudouin Denis de Senneville1,2

1Imaging Division, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France

Current methods for real-time MR-guided HIFU and EBRT interventions in moving organs rely on an algorithm that is sensitive to gray-level intensity variations from other sources than motion. In this work, an improved real-time tracking algorithm with increased robustness to such effects is proposed and experimentally compared to the existing methods. Results have shown a notable improvement in the quality of the motion estimates when the proposed method was used, while maintaining real-time capabilities. Our method was shown to be potentially beneficial for MR-guided HIFU and EBRT interventions in the abdomen, where cardiac activity might become problematic for current approaches.

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