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Abstract #4013

Potential of NMR metabonomics of Small Intestinal Mucosa in assessing Marsh Grade in patients with Celiac Disease

Deepti Upadhyay1, Uma Sharma1, Govind Makharia 2, Prasenjit Das3, Siddharth Datta Gupta3, and Naranamangalam R Jagannathan1

1Department of NMR & MRI Facility, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, 2Department of Gastroenterology and human Nutrition, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, 3Department of Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

This study illustrates the potential of proton NMR based metabonomics in determining biomarkers for assessing severity of villous abnormality in patients with celiac disease (CeD). CeD patients with Grade 3c showed significantly higher concentration of pyruvate, alanine and succinate compared to Grade 3b patients, suggesting more impaired oxidative phosphorylation in Grade 3c compared to Grade 3b patients. Increased acetoacetate in Grade 3c compared to Grade 3b patients indicated utilization of ketone bodies by intestinal mucosa for energy generation. Higher level of creatine seen in Grade 3c patients may probably be related to increased intestinal dysbiosis compared to Grade 3b patients.

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