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Abstract #4164

Sensitivity of MT and T1 VBM to subcortical morphometric alterations in adult ADHD

Arjun Sethi1, Hugo Critchley1, Neil A Harrison1, and Mara Cercignani1

1Brighton & Sussex Medical School, Brighton, United Kingdom

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is robustly associated with striatal abnormalities in childhood, though results in adults have been less definitive. Whilst this may reflect maturational normalisation, studies in adults have also typically been smaller. To enhance sensitivity to such changes we employ VBM analysis to MT saturation maps in adult ADHD, which have been shown to enhance localisation and segmentation of subcortical structures. In comparing these results to VBM analysis performed with T1 images in the same subjects, we show that MT-VBM is sensitive to striatal morphometric alterations that are not detected using T1-VBM.

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