A twofold acceleration of MEGA-edited spectroscopy, using Parallel Reconstruction In Accelerated Multivoxel (MEGA-PRIAM) to simultaneously acquire data in two separate locations, is demonstrated. PRIAM separates the signals from two dualband-excited voxels using spatial receiver-coil sensitivity profiles. Phantom experiments show that MEGA-PRIAM separates GABA- and glutathione-edited spectra with low crosstalk between the voxels. In-vivo experiments establish that dual-voxel MEGA-PRIAM increases signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 40% compared to sequentially acquired single-voxel MEGA-PRESS measurements with the same total duration. GABA and glutathione estimates are consistent between dual-voxel MEGA-PRIAM and single-voxel MEGA-PRESS acquisitions.
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