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Abstract #3592

The verification of the T2 distributed relaxation model (DRM) for a polydisperse nanoparticle system

Bashar Issa1

1Physics, UAE University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates

Theories describing T2 enhancement due to the presence of superparamagnetic particles agree well with experimental and Monte Carlo simulation data under the condition that the particles are monodisperse both in size and magnetization. We present a T2 distributed model that takes into account the particle size and magnetization distributions. The results shown confirm the ability of the distributed relaxation model to correctly predict T2 values for a mixed MAR and SDR sample of MNP under a wide range of values of size, magnetization, volume fraction, etc. The new model will reduce the error in calculating T2 values using the mean size and mean magnetization values when a distribution of MNP exists.

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