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Abstract #4151

Brain gray matter changes in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A meta-analysis of whole-brain voxel-based morphometry study

lin lin1 and Guangyao wu1

1radiology, Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University, Dalian, People's Republic of China

To our knowledge, this is the first whole-brain VBM meta-analysis showing a reduced volume of whole and regional gray matter (GM) in the brains of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. we used a new meta-analytic tool, signed differential mapping to identify consistent results about global and regional abnormalities in T2DM, and explore the relationship between cognitive and GM alternations. We showed educed volume of whole and regional GM in T2DM patients, particularly in the temporal lobe, the GM volumes of the right insula were positively correlated with MMSE scores, and those changes may indicate a risk of dementia.

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