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Abstract #3981

Texture analysis of clinical MRI detects characteristics of tissue repair in lesions of multiple sclerosis after treatment with domperidone

Zahra Hosseinpour1, Olayinka Oladosu2, Mahshid Soleymani1, Wei-qiao Liu3, G Bruce Pike3,4,5, Marcus Werner Koch3,5, V. Wee Yong3,5, Luanne Metz3,5, and Yunyan Zhang3,4,5
1Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2Department of Neurosciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 3Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 4Department of Radiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 5Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada


MS pathology is dynamic, involving damage and repair. We used statistical texture analysis to assess changes in MS lesions seen in sequential brain MRI of 16 RRMS patients after treatment with domperidone. We focused on 2 histology-verified texture measures: contrast and dissimilarity, which characterize tissue coarseness and heterogeneity, respectively. Lower contrast and dissimilarity were detected in both acute and total lesion groups at weeks 16 and 32 compared to baseline, and at week 32 compared to week 16. The observed changes in texture suggest remyelination in MS lesions following treatment.

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