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Abstract #5000

3D Tissue Oxygenation Level Dependence MRI on head and neck cancers by using 3D Stack of Star acquisition and Variable Flip Angle T1 method

Seong-Eun Kim1, John A Roberts1, Eugene Kholmovski1,2, Ying Hitchcock 3, and Yoshimi Anzai 1
1UCAIR, Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States


Hypoxia is a common feature of most solid tumors, reflecting an imbalance of oxygen delivery and consumption. Tumor hypoxia is an indicator of a treatment resistance and overall poor prognosis in head and neck cancer. Change in tissue oxygen concentration level (TOLD) induced by breathing pure oxygen produces proportional change in tissue T1 relaxivity. The proposed technique, a motion insensitive 3D TOLD MRI using 3D VFA T1 Stack of Star sampling, has obvious advantages over conventional 3D VFA technique for reliable and accurate T1 measurements and a great potential for the assessment of tumor hypoxia in HNC patients.

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